Glass Mallard Dimensions: Oval 20″ X 13 3/4″ X 5/8″ and weighs 11.2 pounds. Medium: glass Now on display at the Klamath Art Association’s Gallery

Glass Mallard Dimensions: Oval 20″ X 13 3/4″ X 5/8″ and weighs 11.2 pounds. Medium: glass Now on display at the Klamath Art Association’s Gallery
I’ve been doing these custom birthday cards for a while and it occurred to me, Dad would have loved this sort of thing because he loved archeology. So I remembered Dad with this hand painted watercolor Mayan birthday card. Each one is a unique glyph representation of the number of days since the Mayan creation…
One of the naturalistic wildlife fused glass pieces I have done.
Automatic drawing inside guardrails.
I originally did these Starry Night inspired tile series. These came out of my Liberty Bell kiln in 2011.
So here is the story. I had access to 2″ stainless steel tubing and found they were good for firing Bullseye stringers into Murrine designs using a kiln. For a brief period I tried to sell the molds with kiln paper to fit and firing instructions. I am not selling the tubes anymore but…
View this post on Instagram Faceted teardrop marble I did. I made the marble then faceted it. A post shared by David? Kingman (@kingmanarts) on Sep 18, 2018 at 2:02pm PDT SaveSave SaveSave
Small elephant squeezed into a bottle.
Worlds Biggest Marble Hunt – It Begins! Lost these in Seattle for Worlds Biggest Marble Hunt Marble-less in Seattle Find out more: This World Wide Treasure Hunt is open to everyone as long as they respect the rules that are set forth for the hunts. To join the fun all you need to do is…