Mayan Card

Custom Mayan Birthday Card

I’ve been doing these custom birthday cards for a while and it occurred to me, Dad would have loved this sort of thing because he loved archeology. So I remembered Dad with this hand painted watercolor Mayan birthday card.

Each one is a unique glyph representation of the number of days since the Mayan creation date of August 11, 3114 BCE and their birthday.

Folded they fit in an 8.5X5.5 envelope.

Mayan Card

I try to decorate the back with simple designs that may have meaning to the recipient. Dad loved doing stained glass. So I represented a section of one of his lamps on the back of this card.
If I don’t know much about a person I go abstract or starry night.

Night sky

Does anyone think there is a market for these?

The full Gregorian birthdate is required to derive the Mayan Glyph but doesn’t need to be on the card if not desired. I checked with dad and he was cool with using his birthdate. I would never post anyone’s birthdate online, even in glyph form, that hadn’t moved on to another plain of existence.

Mayan card detail

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